Thursday, January 5, 2017

Where Are All The Men??

It's been almost a month since I was challenged to go out with at least one new dude a week. I have yet to go out on a date but it's not for a lack of trying.

I do have a type. I love hella geeky, kinda chubby, bald or balding, smart, sarcastic, funny, introverted  white dudes who have that whole Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde thing behind close doors. Looks don't mean shit. I'm all about that personality and how easy it is to be around a dude. But in an effort to fulfill my challenge, I've done the unspeakable and have agreed to go out with a couple of handsome dudes, a few rich ones and even a *gulp* Mexican dude. Desperate times, desperate measures. Even though I've left my comfort zone, I'm still at a complete and total loss.

Maybe I'm old fashioned but I raised to let the man, be the man. I was taught to never chase a dude. That if a man is interested in you, he will make damn sure to let you know so you don't go looking for new dick. I was told that a real man, while courting, plans the date with consideration of your location and interests. But I don't think it goes down that way anymore. I seriously think men have been on a slow and steady decline ever since they stopped wearing hats back in the 50s. Say what you want but the dudes back then, were men. 

Before today I have accepted a total of 4 dates. One dude ghosted me after I refused to call him first. Another dude, is someone I dated before. We were supposed to go day drinking and be done by 4 so he could pick his kid up but he decided not to day drink with me after I told him I had an appointment at 4...? I can't even. The other two dudes asked me out but wanted me to plan the date...?!?! I feel like I'm caught in a Twilight Zone version of Sex and the City. 

But seriously, WHERE HAVE ALL THE REAL MEN GONE?? When did it start being ok to "maybe grab a beer" after you're done with whatever plans you have going on??? Who are these chicks that let guys get away with "hanging out"??? What's even worse is when they all together skip the dating part and just ask to fuck. Am I the only chick willing to tell them the truth about how desperate they look??? Do they not know how unattractive it is to come across as hard up as they do?!? How and when did it all get so out of hand??? What has happened to "dating"....?!? When did men start acting like chicks?!!? Dudes acting like bitches is an epidemic that warrants the attention of every American in our country. It's like a defective condom spreading a disease with every pelvic thrust. A disease jeopardizing our great nation and our ability to not only sustain but also to progress. If we don't get a handle on this, before you know it, this disease will only become stronger. So strong that eventually it will evolve into a new generation of men being born sans nut sacks. Don't believe me? Stop and look around. The writing is on the wall. There is evidence of  it everywhere. The time is near. You have been warned.

But I digress. I will persevere and press on. I'm still going to see this dating challenge through. I do, after all, have a couple of dates lined up this week. And if all goes well and they come through, maybe, just maybe I'll have actual men show up and not some bitch ass dudes too afraid to be men. 

Hashtag wishmeluck

Peace, Love & Baseball,

Thursday, December 15, 2016

30 Dates

I've been issued a challenge, 30 dates or better put, going out on a date once a week. Shouldn't be hard...but then again, dating is total bullshit.

For instance, I once went out on a date with a dude who was hella funny, smart, well read, educated, well spoken, interesting, mad cooking skills and not only did he love beer but KNEW way more about beer than me. Rare find. However, he also kept a bandanna in his back pocket to blow his nose. I don't know, something about that bandanna just screamed 'old dude' to me. After that, I couldn't picture myself naked with him in the same room. But that's just me. This dude gets hella ass. Like ass for days.

There is no rhyme or reason for makes me pop or lose a boner. It simply is what it is. Nor is anyone really safe from me losing my boner once they're with me. I was once dating this dude for a while that I was kinda into, like I saw him daily and had a drawer in my house for him into kind of way. But all that went up in flames when he decided to through a temper tantrum and literally STOMPED away from me and our group of friends in a public area. After he bitched out like a crazy chick covered in pink glitter, I couldn't get it up for him. Hard to get in the mood with a dude when all you can picture is THIS grown ass man stomping away like a little bitch baby without saying a word. Talk about being dick downed but in all the wrong ways.

When dating, you don't know you've stepped in shit until, well, in most cases, you're a drink and a half in and dinner's been ordered. At my age, you're used to it. You're even used to stepping in shit well after the dating has ended and a relationship has started. But to go out on a date knowing you're inevitably going to step in shit, eh...what's the point? While I'm all about taking my new challenge by the legs are fucking the shit out of it. I don't know if I can fully commit to just going out with any dude that asks me out, just for the sake of working my way through the dirty thirty.

I mean, I get the drill. The more I date increases the chance of finding a dude I can stand still with. Having a set frequency is going to force me out of my comfort zone and make me accept dates from men I typically wouldn't. Which in turn, will open up my playing field. I get it. I'm not a complete retard. But to accept a date from a dude that doesn't drink....???? Meeeeh, fuck that shit. I firmly believe, if you don't drink, then we have nothing in common. I drink daily. For work, with friends, with my cats and even alone. So what's the point of meeting the dude and possibly liking him if I can't play a round of golf and drink a beer? What about beer festivals, Oktoberfest, St. Patrick's Day, New Year's Eve, Cinco de Mayo, Opening Day, Thursdays...or for fuck's sake, what about my favorite past time of chasing rare brews??? What would we do when we're watching the game together....?!?! Too much going already and I haven't had the chance to flash him a little cleavage.

Stepping in shit is a given. It happens. But to willingly step in shit....??? Yeah, no thanks. While I would hate to fail my first week...I think I'd hate it even more if I had to fail sober. Besides, who knows, a lot can happen over the next day or two. A blind squirrel has been know to find her nut every once in a while.

Peace, Love & Baseball,

Tuesday, August 2, 2016


So. Maybe I was wrong. I honestly, truly believed that I wouldn't hear from Lullabies again.

But baseball...ugh, he gets me with baseball every single time. Fuck me.

But the facts still remain, I still feel don't feel anxious. I still wasn't excited to see his number pop up on my phone. He hasn't responded and unlike before, I don't care. I'm not checking my phone every five minutes...ok, seconds, every five seconds to see if he's responded. I'm not anticipating what he'll say next so I can come back with something equally clever. I'm not hoping our discussion about baseball will eventually lead to him asking me out. But fuuuuuck! I was just so caught up in being right about baseball, yet AGAIN, that it wasn't until after I hit 'send' that I felt a sense of regret creeping over me. Regret of the possibility of letting him open that big ol fucking can of bullshit he always seems to have.

But maybe, just maybe this wasn't a cheap ploy to get me to talk to him. Maybe this is the start to that whole Batman movie line about smiling at each other from across the room friendship thing I've been wanting. Maybe. Who knows. Perhaps my newly found sense of peace that he had finally let me go, is really just my peace of mind. Peace of mind that no matter what he throws my way, I will never again fall for him or his devil penis magic. 

Peace, Love & Baseball,

Monday, August 1, 2016


For the longest time I was sad, bitter, angry, anxious and disappointed about things ending with Lullabies. I went from never believing in true love, to finding my soulmate, to realizing that I would have to let him go, within such a short period of time. I wish it would have lasted just a little longer.

But I'm not bitter anymore. I'm glad he loved me and thankful he taught me that I can be loved exactly as I am.

And with that, I'm no longer anxious. Suddenly out of nowhere, the anxiety I had with last week's text, lifted.  Letting him go was hard, it was even harder to do when he wouldn't let me go. But somehow I know, that he has.

While things between he and I didn't work out the way I would have liked them to have, I still believe that it all worked out exactly how it needed to. So for that, I will forever be grateful for the change he made in me. And so now my little black heart is just a little bit bigger and a little less black. Thank you Lullabies, I will always love you.

Peace, Love & Baseball,

Tuesday, July 26, 2016


I don't give a fuck what anyone says, I know Lullabies was the dude made for me. As gay as it sounds, it's like we have tethered souls or something equally gay as that. It's like this, I always know when that dude is thinking of me, looking for an excuse to talk to me. I can always just feel 'it'. Everyone laughs at me, dismisses me and tells me I'm crazy but then...BAM! Incoming text. Every. Single Time. It's like a discount Walmart version of Spidey know, the whole 'with great power comes great responsibility' thing but more like, 'with great power comes a great big sack of bullshit'...who needs that?!? Obviously, I do...because life is a funny little bitch who likes giving it to me in the ass any chance she gets.

I had always said that I never wanted to live in a world where Lullabies existed and we weren't, at the very least, friends. But things change and people rearrange. I read an article today that said, "If two past lovers can remain friends, either they never were in love or they still are" I don't know where he and I lie. Maybe somewhere in between the two but what I do know is, that we can't be friends. In fact, I don't want him as a friend. He's a shitty fucking friend. While I love him and I always will, I just know that I'm tired of him and his bullshit. So when he texted me this past weekend, I wasn't surprised. However, unlike before, I didn't feel giddy when I saw his text pop up. I wanted to respond but not like I have in the past with a cute inside joke or some other witty remark. More than anything, I just wanted to tell him that he was a shitty friend and that there just wasn't any sense in texting me anymore. But I couldn't do that either. To me, it felt like telling him anything along those lines wouldn't be any type of fun and it would make me seem like...I don't know...manipulative? Desperate? Crazy ex-girlfriendish? Whatever. But on the other hand, I felt like ignoring him would come across as a game. Bitches always say, "Silence speaks volumes'. But I don't have volumes to say and I never want to be a bitch to his asshole. I just want him to figure his shit out, leave me out of the equation and if our paths ever cross again one day, I want that whole Batman movie line about smiling at each other from across the room thing. So while I was going back and forth over what to do, I had a revelation: I. Don't. Give. A. Fuck. Anymore. Yeah, it was weird how it hit me. To love someone with every fiber of my being, to know that this man was made for me but to still not give a fuck what he thinks or feels...totally surreal. So I decided on not texting him back. Why say anything? Or give a fuck how he interprets my silence when the bottom line is, I don't fucking care anymore. I never thought I'd be here but thankfully, I am. Now I can move the fuck on. FINALLY.

The thing is, the 'it' feeling hasn't gone away yet. So while I say that I don't care, I can't help but to wonder what his next move is and more importantly, what mine will be.

Peace, Love & Baseball,